
As a side effect of developing larger projects that use the power of AI tools to generate content, web developer Sam Anglin (aka MizouziE) found an ever growing amount of that content on his machine. Having been amused by some of the test cases, this site was created to display some of the outputs purely for artistic purposes.

There is no meaning to any of this beyond the whimsy of what has been created by a creation of man.


Short stories generated when testing out differing methods of prompting OpenAI’s Davinci model.


There was once a clever owl named Wilbur, who lived in the local zoo. Wilbur was unusually wise, often finding himself coming up with imaginative schemes. It wasn’t until one fateful day that Wilbur came up with an idea to escape the zoo.

Gathering his wits and resources, Wilbur opened the latch on his cage when the zookeepers weren’t looking. He was free. Wilbur flew over the perimeter fence and quickly made his way to the nearby forest.

Wilbur had never been this far from the zoo before and was in awe of the lush vegetation and the variety of wildlife. Wilbur eventually stumbled upon an old abandoned barn, and instead of flying away, he chose to stay for a while.

He quickly befriended the farmer who used the barn and made a cozy nest in a corner of the barn. Wilbur was happy for the first time since coming to the zoo and lived out his days on the farm, far away from his prison-like cage.

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Black Dog

Jack pulled up in his truck and stepped out, whistling as he surveyed the property. He had been restoring the old house for nearly a year, and it was finally nearing completion. But, as he rounded the corner of the weathered barn, he found himself facing a terrifying sight. An enormous, coal-black dog with wild eyes, saliva dripping from its jowls and an unmistakably angry expression. He froze and tried to back away, but the dog snarled and charged forward. Jack knew this was no ordinary animal.

It’s owners had disappeared months ago, leaving the monstrous beast tied up in the barn. It had become emaciated and mean spirited, the violence gleaming in its eyes. He had to escape. So, Jack ran for his life, the huge dog snapping at his heels the entire way. Luck paid off and he managed to reach his truck in time. Slamming the door and locking it, he raced off the property.

He had no idea what happened to the angry dog, but he dared not go back. He dreaded the day he would find out.

The End.

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Kenyan Pigeon

Once upon a time, there was a cheerful little bird from the lands of the Southern regions of Kenya. He was not your everyday run of the mill pigeon, but rather a highly resourceful and ebullient being, who could brighten up even the dreariest of days.

Winter in the Southern regions of Kenya can sometimes be quite harsh and troublesome. However, that never effected this happy little bird. He spent his days fluttering around his habitat and singing cheerfully, despite the extreme weather conditions.

The bird was highly admired by his community. He often stopped by the human residence to pay a visit and they would feed him boiled peanuts and maize. After his visit, the little bird kept the humans company with his sweet chirps, while they did their chores.

The bird was, without a doubt, the happiest being in the Southern regions of Kenya. He didn’t require any material possessions as he was content with the simple pleasures in life.

He taught us to appreciate the little things and to have a positive outlook on life. He was a constant source of joy and it was always such a pleasure to have him about. His presence was a reminder that the dark clouds of life can be swept away, just by believing in the power of hope and joy.

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Escape Plan

Once upon a dark night in the zoo, a clever owl was planning his escape. He noticed the security guards all followed the same pattern every night; they would patrol, then go back to the guard house and have dinner.

He would use this to his advantage. One night after dinner, the owl flew around and collected a variety of materials for a makeshift rope: cloth and metal strapping from the booths in the petting zoo, sticks and vines from mossy old trees and grass surrounding the cages.

Finally, he crafted the rope from his materials, quickly and quietly. The owl stretched the rope across a tight gap between two of the highest buildings, tying it to a nearby tree. He stepped onto the rope, and cautiously began climbing over the wall.

When he reached the top, he took a look back at the zoo, smugly proud of his abilities. The owl’s daring and creative plan had paid off, and the success of his escape would surely be remembered in the zoo’s history books.

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Once upon a time, there was an angry dog that seemed to be bigger than usual. He was a formidable sight, with huge muscles, powerful jaws, and deep brown eyes that seemed to smolder. Whenever he would growl and bark, the sound seemed to fill the entire room.

The poor pup had been abandoned by its original owners and taken in by an animal shelter. It was there that he had developed a grudge against humans due to his mistreatment, and he had a hard time trusting anyone.

The shelter workers, desperate to find a home for him, eventually posted an advert online. One family, unafraid of the animal’s brash demeanor, adopted him. They named him Hercules and loved him despite his size and temper. He was welcomed into the family with open arms and lots of hugs and kisses.

Hercules learned to trust his new owners after time, and his full and playful demeanor was revealed. He even became quite protective of those that he loved, despite his aggressive nature.

Hercules' story serves as an important reminder: all animals deserve love, patience, and respect, no matter how intimidating they may seem.

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Happily Waiting

Once upon a time, in a pond far away, a happy frog patiently waited for her friend. She was happily hopping in circles, perching herself gracefully on lily pads and singing. Every time she sung, it put a smile on her face, as she reminded herself of why she was waiting.

Her friend was coming over to join her for a picnic. They had been planning this for weeks and it was finally happening! The frog was in utter excitement; she had packed the whole pond with her favorite fruits and vegetables like dragon fruits, grapes, and carrots for them to nibble on.

Finally, there it was, her friend hopping alongside her. The little frog was so overjoyed that she jumped for joy and hugged her friend tightly. Now the two of them could enjoy their picnic together, taking in the beauty of their pond, not having a care in the world.

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Golden Rule

Once upon a time, there lived a man with a great fortune who lived a life of high society. Despite his wealth and position, he lived a life of poverty and despair. Despair stemmed from a lack of kind interactions with his fellow man.

The man decided to seek out the wisdom of a wise man to learn the secrets of true happiness. The wise man told the man about the golden rule: “Treat others as you would have them treat you”. The man was taken aback, as he has never heard of anything like this before. He couldn’t fathom how he could have been so unaware of something this simple yet extraordinary.

He realized that true wealth and happiness did not come from ego, vanity or materialism, but from meaningful relationships with other people. He decided to give back to his community and open his heart and door to others. The man quickly found himself surrounded by loving friends, in a world filled with joy, peace and harmony.

The wise man had taught him the truth of the golden rule, and the man followed it to make his life much richer than he ever imagined it could be. And so, the golden rule became imperative to him, and he made sure to always pass it on to others.

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It had been a long and tedious day of work. Tired and exhausted, Anastasia sighed as she watched her Samsung HD Monitor flicker and faintly fade to black. Anxiety crept up in the pit of her stomach as she realized the top-right corner of the monitor was cracked. Sighing, she pushed her chair away from the desk and stood up with a heavy heart. Anastasia knew what this meant for her; she had to break the bad news to her boss someday.

She had bought this for the office a few years ago, when it first came out, and it had served them well. But here she was, looking at a cracked monitor, with no backup plan, especially with the budget cuts from the office. She had been boasting about the features and everything it could do, but all of her touting had come to this.

Anastasia took a deep breath, then slowly shuffled out of the office while taking one last glance at the cracked monitor screen. All she could do now was hope that she’d somehow figure out a way to fix it, or at least get a replacement. Either way, it seemed like this macabre moment of gloom was here to stay.

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Precious Story

Sam was a simple man who had never been to school, but he loved to explore the old abandoned village at the edge of town. One day as he was fishing, he stumbled across an old book that was half-buried in the dirt. Curious, he picked it up and rubbed the cover. It was inscribed with a language he did not recognize.

Even though he couldn’t read the words, the pictures in the book stirred something in Sam’s heart. He turned the pages and imagined a story for each illustration. He vowed to keep the book forever, even though he couldn’t decipher what was written inside.

Years later, a young scholar from the nearby university was exploring the ruins and stumbled across Sam’s book. He was amazed to find such an exquisite example of ancient writing. He asked Sam if he had been the one to discover it, and then explained to Sam that the book was filled with a precious story, written long ago.

Sam was delighted to hear this, although he could not understand the tale. He was happy just to know that such a beautiful story was inside. From then on, Sam continued to explore the ruins in search of more lost books.

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Dance of the Tissue

A used tissue floated through the warm summer air, soaring above the stretch of forest below. The wind pushed it upward and upward, creating an ever lasting updraft. As the tissue felt no weight holding it down, it spread out, creating a makeshift kite for the birds below.

The tissue twirled and spun, as if in a dance, ever higher and higher. Above the clouds, the tissue felt the true beauty of freedom, free from the bounds of gravity that pull us back to the ground. It soared above the heights of any mountain peaks, a bright white spot against a bright blue sky.

As it came to the end of its journey, the air began to cool and the tissue soon fell back to Earth. Even though its journey had been brief, it left an imprint, a reminder of its time in flight. The tissue had offered a brief glimpse of something that felt impossible, to feel like a bird, weightless and free of all the worries of the world below.

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Old Mouse

The old mouse wandered through the fields, feeling the cool summer breeze on its face. The sun was beginning to set and a feeling of nostalgia had already come to fill the air. She was alone yet surrounded by a symphony of nature and life, no longer able to keep up with her younger, more daring brethren that once bounced around these fields.

Still, she walked, a reminder of life’s transient nature - impermanence. As she thought on the old days, when she would scamper and run, the old mouse felt a sense of peace. She accepted her place in the world: she was aging, and this, too, was part of the cycle of life.

She continued to travel at her own pace, watching the landscape change with the setting sun and feeling more content. There was joy in living the moment, in appreciating existence, and in knowing that life will never remain the same. Even if her time was coming to an end, the mouse had had an eternity of love and joy - and that was enough.

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Once upon a time, there was a little piglet named Little Ole. He was extremely impatient and wanted his life to move fast - like a speeding train! Little Ole always used to rush to do his chores and playtime, never slowing down and worrying about the consequences.

One day his mom, Mrs. Piggy, scolded him for his naughty behavior. But Little Ole refused to change his ways. He had a sparkly idea in mind – one that would make his life move faster!

He rushed to the market and bought some magical dust. After sprinkling some of this dust on himself, he awaited the grand transformation. Nothing happened. As it turned out, the magical dust was really just shiny glitter! Little Ole had been duped!

But that didn’t stop him from dreaming of a life faster than a train. He continued trying out different methods to speed up his existence - usually with hilarious results. Mrs. Piggy still scolded him, of course. But no one could deny that Little Ole was a spunky, determined little piglet.

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Special Stone

Leo the chimpanzee was always so curious. He loved to explore, and nothing excited him more than the outdoors. One day, his parents took him on a walk in the park. He leapt and jumped around, wanting to see everything, and explore every corner.

Leo stumbled upon a patch of tall grass. He squinted against the sun, looking hard until he spotted something glinting in the grass. Carefully, he stepped closer, and bent down to get a better look. It was a large, shiny yellow stone. Leo had never seen something so beautiful before. He quickly grabbed it, and put it in his pocket.

On the way home, Leo kept the stone close. He would take it out whenever he got a chance, to look at it and wonder what it was. He couldn’t explain why, but he knew the stone was special to him.

When Leo arrived home, the stone sat on his bedroom shelf. He would often pick it up and admire it before going to bed. Every time he looked at it, the same thought crossed his mind - what adventures could it take him on?

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Sandy & Buttercup

Once upon a time there was a happy little ferret named Buttercup. Buttercup was a bright, curious and energetic ferret who loved to explore the great outdoors.

Buttercup’s favorite pastime was going for hikes in the nearby forest with her owner, Sandy. Sandy would take her on an adventure filled with discoveries. Buttercup loved to play hide and seek along the trails, finding secret hiding places to have a quick nap before attempting a daring escape from any nearby predators.

One day, a squirrel stopped by Buttercup and Sandy’s campfire to say hello. The squirrel shared how it collected nuts and flowers from around the forest. Buttercup was so excited to find out that there were yet unexplored sites to explore.

After Sandy and Buttercup finished their evening campfire, Buttercup scampered off in front of Sandy, eager to explore the hidden treasures of the forest. Buttercup found lots of interesting little creatures, crawling through the underbrush. She discovered a hidden stream deep beneath a tree’s root, where a family of frogs were singing her a joyful melody.

Buttercup’s happy adventure ended with a peaceful sunset, under a blanket of stars. She knew that no matter what the future may bring, Buttercup was ready and filled with a warm, happy feeling.

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Yellow Scooby

The sun shone brightly on the yellow Subaru WRX STI. Its paint glistened in the light, making it quite the sight. Sitting alone in the driveway, it was ready for its driver to take it on the roads.

The driver was one who was truly passionate about his car, he had lovingly taken it apart piece by piece and he had been able to improve the performance and handling of it. He had added some modifications to the exterior, giving it a unique appearance.

He opened the door, the leather feeling great on his hands, he almost felt sorry for not having one like this when he was younger. He turned the key, and the engine roared to life. He looked happy to be able to take it out, and put it through its paces.

He backed out of the driveway, revving the engine and tearing down the streets. He was truly in his element, the wind in his hair, the sound of the engine echoing on the streets. It was time for him to show the world what this car was truly capable of.

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Nap Attack

There was once a charming little duck who loved to nap in the sun. He had been born by a pond, and he swam around it every warm day, with a little cloud of downy feathers behind him. He quacked and dabbled, but the thing he enjoyed to do most of all was to curl up in a sunny spot and take a nap.

But his wonderful days of doing what he pleased came to an abrupt end when a gruff hunter decided to make a meal of him. He chased after the poor sleep duck, who lacked the energy to fly away in time. Fortunately, at the last moment, the hunter’s gun failed to fire and he instead of ending up as a tasty meal, the sleepy duck leapt into the safety of the pond.

Although the hunter had given him a fright, the duck quickly settled down and continued his nap in the sun. From then on, he kept his eyes open and always stayed alert in the sunny areas around the pond. He became known as the fastest nap taker, taking naps all throughout the day, but never falling asleep long enough for a hunter to have the chance to make a meal of him.

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Play with your Food

The sun shimmered on the surface of the calm ocean, the sky a brilliant sunny blue. Bob, a young dolphin, was out in the open water, enjoying the morning sun and swimming leisurely.

Suddenly, Bob’s focus shifted to a shiny object in the distance. As he got closer, his eyes widened in excitement as he realized it was a school of sardines. Without hesitating he dived down, a huge smile spread across his face, and he eagerly raced towards it.

Bob bobbed up and down with the sardines as he played and frolicked around them, taking in all their colors and behavior. He was in his element, darting around each of them, completely ecstatic.

After several minutes of playing and showing off for the sardines, Bob realized he had to go. With one last flip he turned, and raced back to the surface with a huge grin on his face. There wasn’t a creature in the sea happier than Bob the dolphin.

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Second Chance

Once there was a rubber band who had seen better days. He was so worn out he could barely even hold a paperclip together. He had lost most of his elasticity and was filled with random tears and gouges.

He would lay around in the desk drawer all day and watch the paperclips and scissors come and go. All of the other tools in the drawer had long forgotten what purpose he had once served.

Each time the drawer opened, he would silently wish that someone would recognize his worth. But no one ever did, and he resigned himself to living an unfulfilled life in the drawer.

But one day, a brave little paperclip spotted the worn rubber band and decided she wanted to give him one final chance. She whispered gentle words of encouragement, and together they bound up a small bundle of paper.

The rubber band felt a little stronger now, and as he helped the paperclip with more and more of her tasks, he could feel his strength returning. Finally, he felt happy and fulfilled, knowing that someone had given him a second chance.

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Fade Away into Black

Once upon a time, there was a small and weary, yet incredibly determined rubber band. It had been used for countless intricate tasks, like binding paper together, holding tools together and fastening items that were too delicate to be held with anything else.

It was always ready to assist, despite the wear and tear, never thinking of itself. No matter how frayed or stretched it became, it persevered. This rubber band was so reliable and dependable that it had been a preferred companion of many.

However, one day, it had been tugged too far, and it started to snap. As it reached its last stretch, it could still feel a slight warmth and care from all the tasks it had worked on. It felt satisfaction that it had done its job and had been of use. Though it could not be of assistance anymore, the memories of what it had done would remain with it and those who had put it to the test.

In the end, the rubber band had served its purpose; it had been of aid and now, with its final breath, it faded away into black.

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Faithful Companion

A worn-out rubber band sat on the desk, its elasticity long gone. It had been around for years, used to help organize the owner’s life. It had been stretched and pulled beyond its limits of elasticity, but still remained a loyal friend.

The rubber band had seen it all – the battle of filing taxes, the long nights of tackling homework, and the struggles of home improvement projects. It had clung to the owner’s important papers so they wouldn’t fall out of place, and kept all of his envelopes from coming undone; it had been a faithful companion throughout it all.

The rubber band’s fate had been sealed for years; its usefulness had long since been forgotten. Despite being neglected and no longer useful, it still held its place with pride, knowing well that it had done its part in the grand scheme of things.

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Hiker’s Mistake

A centipede was going about its day, crawling around the forest floor and stopping to investigate anything interesting. Suddenly, it felt something twitch its body. One of its hundred legs had been stepped on by an unsuspecting hiker! The tiny bug was enraged. It crawled up the boot of the hiker and composed its many legs in a fighting stance. The hiker panicked and tried to shake off the centipede, but it was too late. With a few swift bites, the centipede had the hiker retreating back the way he came.

The centipede was still fuming with anger as it continued on its journey. It stopped to feast on an earthworm, and with each bite, the centipede felt its wounds heal and its spirits lifted. After devouring the worm, it continued to make its way through the forest and vowed never to forget the hiker’s mistake. With a newfound sense of confidence, the centipede slithered off into the unknown.

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Quiet Please

Mirella was an introverted librarian. She loved the peace and quiet of the library, with the only noise being the occasional whisper of a patron and the soft creak of the door. She’d always loved books, which is why she decided to pursue a career as a librarian. Her job was nothing less than a dream come true.

She was in her element organizing books, finding new titles to add to the shelves, and helping people find what they were looking for. But what really made her excited was helping new readers find their way. She loved the look of delight on their faces when they entered the world of books and reading.

She was also ashamed to admit it, but she liked spending her days in the library. It was her escape from the world out there. Here, she could remain safe, anonymous and happy. This was her home and there was no where else she’d rather be.

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The Incredible Journey of the Technological Luddite

There was a man named William who lived by a hard and noble code: never use electronic devices. It was this strict code, enforced rigorously through the years, that enabled him to survive the ever-changing landscape of modern life.

William had the fortitude to live off the grid in a small cabin, tucked deep in the woods of western North Carolina. For years he lived in mental and physical solitude, growing his own food and catching his own fish. He found joy in the simple necessities of life, free of the encumbrances of the larger world.

William was content to live his life this way, but fate had other plans for him. One day, on a walk in the woods, he stumbled across the lifeless body of a young woman. Though her death was tragic, William was inspired by her story and vowed to find justice for her. He vowed to take up the cause of seeking revenge on her killer.

Time passed, with no leads on the girl’s death. He continued to hunt for clues and take up odd jobs to continue his mission, never using any electronic devices. He invited the idea that perhaps in a simpler age, which he had chosen so carefully, progress may yet be possible.

He searched and searched and eventually found promising information. With the help of a handful of loyal friends, William tracked the murderer to his cabin near the borders of the state. As they approached the cabin, they were shocked to discover that the killer was well-armed.

William and his group strategized their plan of attack and agreed on a no-gun policy. William knew it would be a risk, but the idea of using a gun would go against everything he believed in.

The group worked together to take down the murderer without a single gunshot. In the end, justice was served and William was content to retire once again to his cabin, safe in the knowledge that justice was served and his way of life preserved.

Though William’s story is not one of great significance, it serves to remind us all that age-old traditions can still serve as a valuable source of truth, justice, and peace in a world that is ever-rushing forward. As long as we remember the lessons he taught us, always striving for truth, justice, and peace, then perhaps the world can be a better place.

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The Paraguayan TV Repairman: A Tale of Tenacity and Triumph

The repairman in question was Miguel, a humble technician who had been fixing televisions since his youth in Paraguay. He was experienced and had a knack for troubleshooting and repairing even the most complex electronics.

Miguel found himself in the French city of Tours with one of his elderly customers, who was having trouble getting his TV to work properly. Miguel patiently listened to the old man’s complaints and assessed the situation. He diagnosed the problem and quickly fixed it.

The old man was so pleased with Miguel’s work that he offered him a reward. Miguel politely declined, but the old man would not take “no” for an answer. He asked Miguel what he wanted as his reward.

Miguel thought for a moment and then said, “I’ve heard about a famous author who lives around here. His name is Alexandre Dumas and he wrote stories like The Three Musketeers. Could you perhaps introduce me to him?”

The old man was taken aback by the request but he agreed. He explained to Miguel that Alexandre Dumas rarely received visitors and was very difficult to get hold of.

Nonetheless, the old man was determined to make it happen. He wrote a letter of introduction to Alexandre Dumas and even arranged a meeting. Of course, the old man insisted that Miguel come in his Sunday best and be on his best behavior when meeting the literary icon.

Miguel was nervous as he nervously made his way to the appointed address. Alexandre Dumas answered the door himself and immediately invited Miguel inside. Sitting in a comfortable chair near the fireplace, the two men talked for hours about all sorts of topics.

Miguel was mesmerized by the stories Alexandre Dumas told him. Every once in a while, the old man would chuckle and nod knowingly when one of Alexandre Dumas’ anecdotes had a special meaning to someone in the room.

Miguel left that meeting a different person. He felt inspired and renewed. His experience with Alexandre Dumas had taught him to never give up and that with a bit of hard work, anything is possible.

He thanked the old man for his generosity and went back on his way. But the impact of his meeting with Alexandre Dumas stayed with Miguel for the rest of his time in Tours.

Miguel knew his life would never be the same again.

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An Air of Achievement: The Life of an RAF Mechanical Engineer

Once upon a time, there was a young mechanical engineer who was in the Royal Air Force. His name was Harry and he lived on the outskirts of London. He had studied hard and become a brilliant engineering student.

Harry was ambitious, always seeking new challenges, so when the Air Force created an opening for a mechanical engineering role, Harry jumped at the chance. He began his training, learning the ins and outs of aeronautic engineering, becoming a master of his craft.

Harry worked long hours, and whenever possible, he received additional technical training on his own time. He often dreamed of taking his skills to the skies, but the Royal Air Force assigned him to a much different mission.

Harry was to join an F-16 fighter squadron. As they prepared to take flight one day, he noticed something amiss with one of the aircrafts. He quickly located the issue and fixed it, just in time for the squadron to take off.

His commanding officer was so impressed with Harry’s expertise, he soon assigned Harry to work as the chief mechanical engineer for the squadron. Harry was overjoyed and rose to the challenge.

With his exceptional technical skills and knowledge, Harry was soon in charge of all the squadron’s mechanical repairs and maintenance. He was meticulous with his work and never let anything slip through the cracks.

Harry quickly became a key member of the squadron. His expertise and loyalty were often put to the test and each time, he passed with flying colors.

Years later, Harry left the Air Force but his dedication to the craft and service he provided remained. Although he was no longer in the Royal Air Force, his skilled work lives on in the many aircrafts flying in the skies to this day.

The moral of the story is always follow your dreams, no matter how big or small, and work hard to make them come true.

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Poems generated when testing out differing methods of prompting OpenAI’s Davinci model.

New Web Developer

A new web developer to the land,
Though striving hard to understand,
Learned when the coding seemed absurd,
That life’s some kind of nerdish word,
That laws beyond his skills reside,
To comprehend them must he bide?

He watched his masters' progress fast,
And from their teachings came at last,
A need to focus, to persevere,
Work diligently, no time to veer,
For only with hard work and time,
Can knowledge fill his mind sublime.

Sighing he rose, no more to pout,
To code anew, no time to doubt,
For if success he wished to see,
He must work long and hard and free,
To bring his ideas to life,
He must with courage take the strife.

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Young Artist

Verse 1:
The art of a boy
uniquely surpassed all joy
He could replicate any painting twice a day
without any hesitation come what may

Verse 2:
The agility of his brush stroke astounds us
Not a single detail does he miss
His technique is flawless and impeccable
We feel he is more artist than apprentice

Verse 3:
His fine art proud and tall
His passion and dedication enthralls
For he is a true work of art
His artistry an intrinsic part

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Two lions, side by side
Fierce, proud and noble as can be
The king and his mate

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Finnish Girl

There once was a girl from Finland,
She could perfectly paint a copy of any canvas she’d seen.
What a thrill it was to admire,
As her talent allowed to inspire
Her becoming Finland’s great artistic queen!

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93% Break

Verse 1

A boy who could predict the fall of a cue
Beneath ferocious hands, with so much ease
His talent at snooker was unmatched
With near perfect accuracy, seven times a day

Verse 2

No one could ever beat his aim
For predicting the break from the start
The accuracy, 93% the same
Would win praise far and wide, from his heart

Verse 3

One with knowledge and skill for the trades
His predictions soon filled the snooker halls
Each player, enticed by his cues so adept
His prowess was clear and renowned for all.

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Summer’s Glow

Seven humming birds
Bright in summer’s glow,
Tease the tranquil air.

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Success Rate

There once was a lass from the garden.
Her predictions for snooker astoundin'.
At a success rate of ninety-three,
That’s far better than I have ever seen!
At least that’s what I’d be shoutin'!

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Making Scents

Verse 1:
A boy who sees life through his nose
He’s got a skill that few will know
The scents of red, yellow, green and blue
Somehow bring his day anew

Verse 2:
His world’s brought down to the mere
Each scent provides a miracle
He smells colours three hundred sixteen
Times a day for the best of zen

Verse 3:
He hangs his head, inhales a scent
And his world is quite content
The aromas soothe his troubled soul
Ubiquitous for a destined goal

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Three hundred sixteen
Tibetan goats atop peaks high
Cliff-side looks alive

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Fateful Blues

A wild girl from a dive bar in Cape Town
Loved the smell of her senses to elate
She adored the scents of greens, blues, and browns
Though she’d later get blues for her fate
For smelling such colours would soon cause quite a frown.

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Brand New Spring

It’s a new season, the fresh start of a brand new spring
Bringin' life to the cold ground, the earth wakes up so eagerly
The daffodils, they sprout with golden petals outwardly
A moment of peaceful beauty that’s hard to believe

The scene’s so alive, colors brighter than day
Gentle breezes blowing by as they smile and sway
Filling the air with a bright and joyous smell
It’s the sweet smell of renewal, an odor that’s so swell

I stand mesmerized by the sight, flapping my wings
These new flowers form a playground for the flutterin' of the bees
It’s like I’m watching a movie, with colors so new and seemin'
A reminder that life is alive, this moment, so healing

I feel myself smiling, in awe, from up high
As the new blossoms light up the sky, it’s pure positivity
The landscape is truly blessed, absolutely refreshed
The first daffodils blooming paints a magical picture, this I stress

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Green Apples

Green apples are better, you see
Those red apples can go just let them be
They look bright and rosy, I’ll admit
But on the taste, I don’t commit

Green apples can taste like little clouds
And I don’t want to eat ‘Red apples crowds’
As a cheerful yellow applies I can’t abide
I just won’t touch them, No matter the price

These green apples suit me just fine
No red apples, no not no time
Green apples have the perfect hue
Grab one and have a perfect chew

A tart and tangy sensation
Will not be found in the red apples formation
From my tree to I, through and through
Just green apples will do!

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Check out this page. It carries a lot more details…


Here is a collection of images generated using Midjourney through discord.

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Standing alone in a crowd

I swore never to use AI

Four types of waistcoat

Choices of waistcoat

The chosen one

The strongest of the four

Go Gopher CLI

Glowing Go Gopher with CLI on screen

Creative Soul

The AI creative’s soulful glow

Choose Your Creator

Four creators to choose from


She is the Artist


The Reader

A text template parsing robot


Little dev learning the roPHPes

Well Armed

Suited and re-booted


Deep thoughts from a language model’s rendition of historical philosophers

Leo Tolstoy on the importance of separating one’s laundry

Throughout life, there are certain common truths which we - conscious of it or not - come to accept. We learn to look both ways when crossing the street, and we learn to brush our teeth before bedtime. It is in this same way that we come to understand that separating one’s laundry is essential to preserving one’s garments in the most orderly, cost effective, and efficient way.

When we mix our light and dark garments, the results are often undesirable. Colors tend to bleed, permanently ruining your favorite white t-shirt or brightly-colored blouse. Whites become discolored, adding a hint of every-garment-in-the-world to your morning wear. Furthermore, fabrics have different washing and drying requirements, and washing them together often leads to shrinking and misshapen garments.

The cost of replacing damaged items can present an additional burden. It is much more economical to simply sort your items according to color and material at the outset, not only for the money saved but also for the time saved. Not having to deal with ruined garments saves time, energy, and frustration.

In the end, separating one’s laundry is a small chore, yet it has great consequences. It is an economical, efficient and cost-saving practice, not to mention an essential part of laundering clothes. Laundry sorting matters - and is more important than one may think.

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Friedrich Nietzsche on why life is about experiencing and sharing whimsy

Life is an opportunity to experience and share delightful amusements. It is with wild revelry that we should embrace our joyousness and frivolity. Let us express ourselves with expression and movement that is truly unique. Laughter and music should be accompanied by creative words and expressions. Let us explore the corners of our minds, for within them lie rich expressions of our whimsical imaginings. We should nurture this playfulness and use it to craft our own artful works. Let us come alive through genuine moments of joy and share them with each other. Life is beautiful, ever-changing and worthy of our breathtakingly whimsical expressions. Together let us bring to life our boldest and most vibrant adventures.

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A true test of emotional intelligence is a sense of humour. Perhaps these do not bode too well for AI…

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Q: What did the piglet say when he became a chess grandmaster?


Q: What did the short chimpanzee say to his brother?

A: “Don’t monkey around with me, I’m not as tall as you!”

Q: What do you call a ferret in a knitted green sweater?

A: A ferret-à-tricot!

Q: What did the Subaru WRX STI say when it needed an oil change?

A: I need a wrxt-flush!

Q: What was the duck’s biggest fear before bedtime?

A: Having a quack-mare!

Q: What did the dolphin think when it looked over the walls of its swimming pool?

A: “Whoa, this aquarium is huge!”

Q: Why was the rubber band so excited to hold the wad of cash together?

A: He was sure he looked like a bandit!

Q: Why did the cash need the rubber band?

A: So it could keep it all together!

Q: What did the Centipede say when he couldn’t find his favorite shoes?

A: “Where did my hundred pairs go?”

Q: What do you call a librarian with super powers?

A: A Book-Keeper!


Step-by-step instructions and how-to’s are often what search engine users seek. How reliable are these though?

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How to make your piglet impatient if it is chess grandmaster

  1. Challenge your piglet to a game of chess and make it a difficult game.

  2. Place the game pieces on the board in a pattern that will require your piglet to think.

  3. Make sure there is no easy path to victory.

  4. Increase the difficulty with deceptive moves and unsafe sacrifices.

  5. Make no obvious mistakes and employ complicated strategies.

  6. Talk to your piglet while you play, distracting them and adding to their impatience.

  7. Throw in random moves that require creative solutions to analyze and solve.

How to make your chimpanzee curious if it is shorter than his brother

  1. Provide enrichment materials for both chimpanzees to explore. Fill two boxes with items like paper, fabric, and toys.

  2. Place each box in a separate area of their environment.

  3. Provide a tray of fruits, nuts, and other tasty treats. Place them far enough away so that the chimpanzees have to search and interact with the environment to find them.

  4. Place a few banana peels or pieces of food in each area. This will give them something new to explore and the motivation to keep looking.

  5. Hang some interesting objects or toys near each box. This will give the chimps something new to investigate and play with.

  6. Talk to each chimpanzee and encourage them to explore their environment. Make sure not to give your shorter chimpanzee more attention than his brother.

  7. Interact and play with both chimpanzees. Join both of them in their exploration of the environment by playing and introducing new objects.

How to make your ferret happy if it is fond of green knitwear

  1. Gather the materials you will need to make a green knitwear item: yarn, knitting needles, and a pattern.

  2. Choose a pattern that you would like to create - something simple is best to start with.

  3. Select the right type of yarn for the pattern you have chosen.

  4. Carefully read through the pattern instructions and make sure you understand them before you start.

  5. Begin knitting the green knitwear item, slowly and carefully following the pattern instructions.

  6. Once you have completed the item, check it over carefully and make sure that it is correct and looks as you envisaged it.

  7. Allow your ferret to see, smell and feel the green knitwear item, and reward them with a treat when they show an interest in it.

How to make your subaru wrx sti yellow if it is in need of an oil change

  1. Lift up the hood on your Subaru WRX STi and use a wrench to loosen the oil filter.

  2. Drain the oil into the filter container.

  3. Replace the oil filter with a new one.

  4. Add the correct amount of new oil into the engine.

  5. Replace the oil plug and tighten it.

  6. Add yellow body paint over the existing paint using a brush or sprayer.

  7. Allow the paint to dry for a few hours, then wax and buff the surface for a glossy finish.

How to make your duck sleepy if it is afraid they’ll have a nightmare

  1. Provide a secure and comfortable environment - Make sure the duck is in a quiet and dark area that they feel secure and relaxed.

  2. Play some calming music - Create a relaxing atmosphere by playing some soothing music that helps the duck to relax and drift off.

  3. Talk to them in a soothing voice - Sit near the duck and talk in a gentle tone, using soft and calming words.

  4. Give them a warm bath - Prepare a warm bath and gently place the duck in the water. Make sure the temperature and pressure of the water is suited to the duck’s needs.

  5. Massage their body - Gently give a massage around the duck’s body, starting from the forehead and moving downwards. Pay particular attention to the neck, wings and legs.

  6. Provide comfort items - Place some pillows and blankets around the duck to offer additional comfort, these can be used to help the duck stay warm and secure.

  7. Redirect their attention to a positive thought - Talk to the duck and redirect their attention to a calm and happy thought, such as the time when the duck felt most relaxed, safe and content.

How to make your dolphin ecstatic if it is unaware that it lives in a swimming pool

  1. Place a few toys in the pool for your dolphin to play with such as a ball or a hoop.

  2. Set up an obstacle course or have your dolphin participate in agility exercises.

  3. Give your dolphin a massage or a rubdown to show your affection.

  4. Give your dolphin a treat or snack that it enjoys.

  5. Hang out with your dolphin by going swimming in the pool with the dolphin or letting it feed from the side.

  6. Talk to your dolphin and play music in the pool to create an enjoyable atmosphere.

  7. Add new scenery to the pool, such as a floating dock or underwater decorations to make their habitat interesting.

How to make your rubber band worn out if it is holding together a wad of cash

1.Begin by counting out the desired number of rubber bands to hold the cash together.

2.Stack the bills neatly and securely wrap with the rubber band.

3.Carefully stretch the rubber band as far as it will easily go without breaking.

4.Repeat this stretching multiple times to weaken the rubber bands.

5.Next, coil your rubber band so it is tight and secure.

6.Turn the rubber band counterclockwise, then untwist and repeat.

7.Finally, start to pull the rubber band apart in short jerks, and it will eventually start to break and become worn out.

How to make your centipede furious if it is looking for his favourite shoes

  1. Lift up all furniture and furnishings in the room.

  2. Search for centipede’s favourite shoes in different places.

  3. Gently tap the shoe on the ground, so it makes a noise to alert the centipede.

  4. Try to give the centipede something else it likes such as food or a toy to occupy its attention.

  5. If the centipede still gets agitated, give it an opportunity to search his favourite shoes.

  6. Make sure the shoes are in an area where the centipede can easily find them.

  7. If the centipede has trouble finding its shoes, put on some loud music to startle it and make it more aggressive.

How to make your librarian introverted if it is secretly a super hero

  1. Place a special hat of invisibility on their head to help them make a quick exit in an emergency.

  2. Buy them some noise-cancelling headphones so they can zone out and read in peace.

  3. Arm them with lots of books on their favorite topics.

  4. Introduce single-player video games to them to help them pass the time.

  5. Fill their workspace with calming scents of lavender, jasmine and chamomile.

  6. Place lots of origami characters around the library for them to assemble in their spare time.

  7. Gift them with a pet – either a hamster, a fish or a bird – to provide a calming, non-human companion.

How to safely transport a lion from Finland to my house

  1. Secure a large, airtight transport container and fill it with bedding material to make the lion comfortable.

  2. Locate a reputable veterinary facility in Finland with experience in transporting exotic animals so that a health and wellness check can be completed before transport.

  3. Obtain the necessary permits and documentation needed to move a lion between countries.

  4. Arrange transportation of the container with accompanying personnel to safely move the lion.

  5. Upon arrival at the destination, arrange for an animal handler or veterinarian to help unload and examine the lion in order to ensure the animal is in good health.

How to safely transport a humming bird from at the bottom of the garden to my house

  1. Calm the hummingbird: Start by slowly and calmly approaching the hummingbird. Talk in a low, soothing voice and make sure you don’t make any sudden movements.

  2. Prepare a safe transportation container: Gather a container big enough for the hummingbird and line it with something soft and safe such as tissue paper or a soft rag. Place some twigs and leaves in the container, as well as a few drops of water.

  3. Gently pick up the hummingbird: With your other hand, gently scoop the hummingbird into your cupped hand. Be sure to keep the hummingbird calm and secure while transporting.

  4. Transfer the hummingbird to the container: Place the hummingbird into the prepared container and close the lid securely.

  5. Transport the hummingbird safely: Carry the hummingbird carefully to your house and make sure the container is stable and secure during transportation. When you arrive, release the hummingbird into its new home.

How to safely transport a tibetan mountain goat from a dive bar in Cape Town to my house

  1. Collect all necessary materials for the safe and secure transport of the goat: a suitable carrier, a muzzle and leads, a few pieces of hay, and some water.

  2. Ensure the goat is safely secured in the carrier: attach a muzzle and lead securely to the goat, line the bottom of the carrier with a thick layer of hay, and fill the bottom of the carrier with water.

  3. Drive the goat in the carrier to your home. Make sure to secure the carrier in the car, and monitor the goat frequently to make sure it is safe and comfortable.

  4. Once you are home, take the goat out of the carrier and walk it to its new dwelling place. Give the goat time to get comfortable and explore its new surroundings.

  5. Provide the goat with food, water, hay and space to run. Monitor the goat for any signs of distress or illness and seek veterinary advice if necessary.